Wednesday 23 July 2014

Sunset Ghoulevard

Celebrity smoking
crunching, fiddling
and raging.
Those whiskey cats
are here to stay.
The frittering, fingering
boiling and stuttering
wind up sows,
here to stay
and f**k the armies of slug footed
press ganged kids.

We labour nothing
only to seek a life beyond the vain;
xanax songbirds
who terrorise ambition
and freeze before the sloth cameras.
Autographs and coked whirlwind biographies
become bibles to the unbibled,
botox winos seeking gold
before a soul....

©Steven Francis poems 2014

Sunday 13 July 2014

Poem to Lyric to Music

Time Jangles
And maniac hands of crowds
follow ink slicks
across white sands to fret boards
where the devil lurked in muse shrouds.
Pages glowed in times of man,
grand sorrow, greed and joy
spread like harpies wings.

Dynamic night rain of a senseless breed
they sing and nail their tales of death
to glory beds on foggy shores.
Strum bang jango!
Hail those words and candy chorus
schemed by bands using rebels for their wisdom,
their shotgun anthems lift craggy veils,
and order form from fury...

@Steven Francis poems 2014